TPW Engineering are able to remap anything already with an Uprev licence installed.
For nearly 10 years, UpRev has blazed a path in professional grade ECU tuning solutions for factory equipment. Our products are proven to achieve dramatic results - our tuning systems are trusted by professional tuners, serious racers and daily drivers all over the world, to utilize the untapped potential otherwise left on the table.
With UpRev, you can take your car to the next level, with complete control and confidence. Unlock power, efficiency and speed, with an unrivalled level of customization and advanced tuning capabilities. Our innovative software and hardware interface is easy to use, and loaded with all of the impressive features you need to get the most out of your custom setup. Whether you're looking for increased power, speed, or improved efficiency and mileage, UpRev offers the tools you need to get there.
Parameters that are supported in the ROM Editor include:
• Up to 5 Maps on cruise control equipped vehicles
• Idle RPM
• Speed Limiter
• Electronic Throttle Control to achieve Wide Open Throttle at all speeds.
• Rev Limiter
• DTC disable
• AFR Targets
• Fuel Compensation
• Ignition Timing Advance
• Cam Phasing for equipped vehicles.
• MAF transfer function
• Cranking Enrichment and Ignition Advance
• Injector Latency
• K Fuel Multiplier
• Intake Temp
• Calculated Load vs. RPM
• Minimum Effective Injector Pulse Width